Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fear Sells, what happened to sex?

I love this e-mail we got from Encore today, nothing like using the fear of Anonymous to drive sales :)

Subject: From The Desk Of...

Hey ....

Please forward this urgent message to the person responsible for your information systems security.

The hacker group Anonymous has been in many news stories lately. As some of you may have already heard through Symantec, their program PCAnywhere has been compromised. Back in 2006, the group hacked into Symantec’s internal systems and now has posted the source code on many sites. As a response, Symantec has alerted its customers and advised them to disable the software or to uninstall it while they worked to issue patches, which it has done. However, that was not the only code that was reportedly stolen. Symantec indicates:

"Symantec can confirm that the source code is legitimate," the company said. "Be advised, we also anticipate Anonymous to post the rest of the code they have claimed have in their possession. So far, they have posted code for the 2006 version of Norton Internet Security and PCAnywhere. We also anticipate that at some point, they will post the code for Norton Antivirus Corporate Edition and Norton Systemworks."

As this is old code from 2006, currently updated customers “should not be at risk” according to Symantec. However, if you have been thinking of changing antivirus vendors or exploring other options, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Encore Business Solutions has been using TrendMicro since 2001 and has recently moved to their hosted service. We no longer need a server onsite and we can easily manage all of our remote staff who are dispersed throughout Canada. All they need is an internet connection.

PIERRE MANAIGRE,  MCTS: Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Implementation and Maintenance
467 Provencher Blvd. Winnipeg, MB Canada |888.898.4330 x  (310) | 204.989.4330

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1 comment:

  1. Typical for Encore. I'll bet the reason they've moved to a hosted AV solution isn't because of any cloud benefits, it's probably because they don't have the knowledge or expertise to run it in house. Any dealing's I've ever had with them have left me feeling as though they're severely lacking in the technical department. Can they not sell based on the facts and strengths about their products, rather than through fear of something as silly as this? It's 2006 code - it's antiquated, and if you're running 2006 Norton Internet Security as your enterprise protection, then you deserve to be hacked! lol.
